Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Start of Day Two!


  1. You guys look like a palate of colors. Hope you are having fun. Keep the blogs and videos coming.

  2. Hey Allie ... Where's my 'Shout Out'?

  3. Hi Allie

    Hope the weather is GREAT! Looks like you are and your team are doing well. Keep up the good work. Love Dad

  4. A post at 7:30 am and the group is dressed and had already eaten breakfast--I'm impressed. The hard work is having multiple beneficial consequences. You all or y'all are looking good!!!

    Thanks for the shout out, Stephie. I'm proud of the work you guys are doing... (Remember to be kind to women(and men)with canes...)

  5. Day two sounds great - your pictures, videos, and blogs are just wonderful! Love the T shirts - looks like the Infinity rainbow!

    Go get em on day 3 Infinity volunteers - you make us proud!

    Love you Tori!

  6. YEAH STEPH THANKS FOR THE SHOUT OUT! THATS MY GIRL! and miss cunningham i hope you got my text today i miss my best friends! will your precious
