Friday, April 23, 2010

Day Four on the Jobsite

Today we worked at a historic plantation that had been severely damaged by the storm. The house was built in 1820 and was lovely. Melissa and Laila worked on the raised beds. Arent, Will, Allie, and Steph installed chain linked fencing. Tori, Megan, and Paige scraped the wrought iron fence in the front of the property. Although important work, the kids much preferred working directly with homeowners in a neighborhood setting as they had done the previous days.

Surprise birthday celebration! The kids were incredibly sweet to me today. The had gifts, a cake, and had purchased a tree to plant on our jobsite in honor of my birthday/Earthday. They had heard that this is a birthday tradition of mine since I was a child and that this would be the first year that I would not be able to plant a tree. It was very, very thoughtful. Last night, we went to the "Rock & Bowl" to continue the celebration......we bowled and danced the night away! Much fun!


  1. I can't imagine which one of the teenager "Infinity Volunteers" is making these posts at 4 or 5 am after a day of hard work '-) Keep up the good work!

  2. (remember the time difference! At least I HOPE that is what that is and NO ONE is up at that unGodly hour blogging! teehee)- As for food, yummmyy..grits and honey?!?! Love 'em! Megan- my teeth hurt @ the thought of you scrapping that metal fence! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KIM! What a sweet tradition you have planting a tree and ANOTHER AWESOME job kids, to surprise Kim & make her birthday special planting a tree in New Orleans! Every day I am filled with more pride! Love and miss ya! Tomorrow- dance the day away, your hard work will be behind you & you would have made a HUGE difference in the lives of the prople in N.O. Have fun & be safe!

  3. I can wait to see all the pictures of the trip, hoping that the weather clears for jazz on Saturday, we will see you all soon. take in as much as you can your time in new Orleans is almost up.
